Thursday, November 29, 2007

News Media

News media has a large influence of what people perceive of society. The media is ultimately controlled by whites which causes an issue with the way things are depicted on television. The most recent case which is an example is the case of this is Hurricane Katrina. Although African Americans and whites were both affected by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the news only showed Blacks stealing from stores and dragging the little belongings they had through the 8 foot high body of water. They failed to show the many white people who were also grabbing handfuls of items in those stores. The media also tends to sweep things under the rug when whites mess up. In the Martin Lee Anderson case, the white males beat an African American child to death yet this one on the news for only a couple of days. This is a pure example of the media showing what they want America to see.

Spending Habits

My personal experience with spending habits is not very positive. This topic was the most relatable to me. I struggle with this issue everyday. In today’s society this problem is becoming more critical. Although the economy is getting worse and more people are without jobs, it is amazing how the number of money spent per year by Americans are increasing rapidly. Amongst these numbers, African Americans are spending the most money. This was amazing to me especially since we are the group receiving the lowest income in the United States. The money being used to buy depreciable big ticket can be better served buying land or investing into stocks or other options that will help you make money and prepare for the future. African Americans need to learn to have their money work for them not against them.

Video Games

Growing up playing video games was a hobby that children loved to do but understood that it was just that, a game. This is not the case in today’s society. The video games are becoming much more graphic and violent. Games are now exposing children to weapons, sex, and violent actions. For example, the newest version of Grand Theft Auto have the children play a pimp and they are able to purchase prostitutes. After some time, the player asks the prostitute if they have their money. If not, they are able to beat the girl.
The God Father is also a video game now. As I watched my younger sister play the game, I was shocked to see how extreme the violence really was on the game. Even my 3 year old nephew was so attracted to the game. He did not move for hours. He even attempted to mock some of the shooting scenes he had witnessed in the game. I believe that video games are healthy for children as long as they are monitored. When the violence becomes too graphic and the concepts are extremely negative, that’s when it becomes a problem.

American Language

American language has changed drastically over the years. It has gone from complete sentences to BFF(best friend forever) and LOL(laugh out loud). Americans are always trying to find a way to cut the time it takes to do a particular task in half. People are not even interested in having a normal phone conversation. They went from instant messaging online to texting over the phone. I feel like this is not big problem right now but I do believe that the problem will worsen in the future. I think that all of these new techniques of communicating with one another is taking away from true English.

Do Words Matter?

I truly believe that words do matter. It is okay for an individual to speak freely when they are hanging out with friends or in their own personal time. Yet, when going into a professional environment it would be wise for people to stick to using universal language. Universal language can be described as language that is used and understood by everyone. Even in personal matters, everyone should remain conscience about what they are saying and to whom they are speaking.


With the issue of gender, I believe that women would like to have true equality with men, but that is not the case. As far as social equality, women are able to walk around freely and do as they please just as much as men. In terms of the workforce and political office, men are much more dominant. I do not view this as a negative thing because I am more comfortable working under male supervision rather than women. I believe that men are less emotional and tend to be less emotionally attached giving them the ability to make clear and concise professional decisions. I am not saying that all women are incapable of doing the same. I am however saying that majority of women are not able to disconnect from their personal emotions, therefore causing conflict and tension in the workplace


Before this presentation I never thought about the issue of genetics. I just knew that my family was my family. After the presentation I realized that everyone on this earth is related and connected to one another no matter what their skin color is or their other physical characteristics. I am spiritual so I would have to think that if Adam and Eve were the first human beings on earth, they had children that had children, which began the cycle of life. As disturbing as this seems, this would prove that we are all related.